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Surely one can get Ebola, if they are crazy
enough to have sex with an infected
person. But can you get it from a man who
survived Ebola?

Surely one can get Ebola if they are crazy

enough to have sex with an infected
person. But can you get it from a man who
survived Ebola?
Ebola is one of the deadliest plagues of our
times. Just a short while ago the whole
world went crazy over its outbreak.
Recently Liberia got it again, but now
doctors say it is under control. Still, they
have discovered a new possible way for
Ebola to spread breaking all borders!
How Ebola is transmitted?

Well, you can get it only through a direct
contact with body tissues or liquids of the
infected person and by eating fruit bitten
by bats or other animals. Once a person
survives Ebola, it takes some weeks for the
blood, saliva, urine and other liquids to
dispose of all the traits of the virus.
However, scientists have discovered that
even 3-4 months later male sperm cells still
contain it! This means if Ebola surviving
man has sex with a woman, his semen can
infect her! The blood tests might be clean,
but the sperm is not!
This way Ebola survivors turn into hidden
containers of the virus. Any type of sex be
it vaginal, oral or anal puts a woman at
risk. Surely, using condoms makes such
intercourse safer. The only way to avoid
the next huge outbreak of the disease is
boosting people’s awareness about it. Now
you know it, share it with your friends!
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