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Episode #228 Abhi and pragya to be burn by kiddnappers

Updated by Paski Mec

The episode starts with Neil coming
back to his factory in the morning and
seeing his goons sound asleep. He
wakes them up and sets fire into his
Ugly minded Aaliya and her puppet
filthy minded Tau see Bulbul sleeping
on Purab’s lap and get irked. She breaks
glass purposefully and wakes them up.
Purab asks what happened. Aaliya says
she came to pick Abhi’s diary. Purab
gives her diary and leaves. Bulbul
thinks if ugly Aaliya broke glass
purposefully. Daadi and Daadi meet
Purab and ask him to rescue Abhi and
Pragya. Purab says they are fine. Daasi
says they know Abhi has gone to rescue
Pragya and is under kidnapper’s clutch.
Purab asks who told them. Daadi says it
is not important and says he is very
intelligent and should do something to
save Pragya and Abhi.

Abhi and Pragya wake up smelling
smoke and get tensed seeing fire allover
the place. They come out and see Neil
with his goons. Neil laughs at them and
says still they are yet to be ablazed. He
pours more petrol into fire and asks his
men to get ready for Abhi and Pragya’s
antim samskar/last rights.
Daadi sees temple lamp blowing off and
holds it. She tells Daasi that something
wrong will happen now. Sarla on the
other side also gets worried for Pragya
and cries.
Abhi tries to find a way out, but falls on
ground. Pragya asks if he is fine, sees
his hand burning and blows fire off.
She gets panicked. He says he will not
accept defeat easily and will find out a
way soon, asks her to stay there until he
comes back. She thinks when god had to
end their love story like this, why did he
united them.
Ugly minded Aaliya tries to change her
sim card to call Neil. Bulbul comes and
asks if she is calling kidnapper. She and
her puppet get tensed. Purab tries to
stop Bulbul, but she continues. Daadi
also comes there. Bulbul asks Aaliya to
speak in front of Daadi. Daadi asks
whom she wants to talk. Bulbul says
kidnapper as she heard her talking to
kidnapper. Aaliya says she did not.
Bulbul asks then how does she know,
Abhi is with kidnapper and kidnapper
wanted to kidnap her instead of Pragya.
She asks why was she telling not to
harm Abhi and told she spoke to Abhi
when Abhi’s phone is not reachable.
Aaliya says she was talking to detective
to save Abhi and says Purab told her
about Abhi going to kidnapper’s den,
starts her acting and cries that she loves
her brother a lot and tells Daadi that
she is worried about Abhi and Pragya
and wants them back. She asks if she
has not forgiven her yet for her
mistakes and continues her drama, asks
daadi to call police and get her arrested.
Daadi believes her and says Bulbul that
Aaliya is telling truth, she can do
anything except harming her brother.
She says knows she would have alleged
Aaliya by mistake, but she should have
thought well before hurting anyone’s
feelings. Mitali thinks Aaliya is a
chameleon and can change her colors
anytime, she should be careful.
Aaliya goes to her room with puppet
and yells how dare Bulbul is to provoke
her. She calls Neil who tells he has set
his factory ablaze with Pragya in it, but
has released Abhi. He sends her pic.
Tanu also sees pic and gets happy that
Pragya is out of their life now.
Abhi asks Fuggi not to panic as he will
find a way out at any cost. She says she
is worried about him than herself and
says she wants tell him something. She
expresses her feeling for him. He stops
her seeing a bike and goes to start it,
but it does not without key. He
reminisces once his mechanic starting
bike without key and tries starts it. He
asks Fuggi to sit behind him. Neil’s men
get happy thinking Abhi and Pragya are
dead and asks him to throw a party for
them. They hear bike sound and panic.
Neil asks them to find out where the
sound is coming from. Abhi comes out
on bike.
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