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Episode #227 Kidnappers tied abhi and pragya

Updated by Paski Mec

The episode starts with Neil’s goons
tying Abhi and Pragya to a pole. They
think with boss’s permission, they will
kill them. Neil comes there and asks
where are Abhi and Pragya. Goons say
they have tied them to pole and if they
don’t kill them, they will be in trouble.
Neil asks them to burn the factory so
that even their bodies are destroyed.
Goon asks if he should burn now. Neil
says police will get alert and will come
here, so they should burn in the
Commissioner tells Purab his team is
searching whole area and he is thinking
of announcing on news channels about
Abhi’s kidnap and whoever gives info
will be rewarded. Purab says goon may
harm Abhi and Pragya if they do this.
Commissioner says he is right and he
wanted to take his opinion.

Daadi comes to Aaliya’s room worried
about Abhi. Aaliya says Abhi is fine.
Tanu tells Daadi that Abhi has gone to
rescue Pragya after he got kidnapper’s
call and blames Bulbul for not stopping
him. Daadi gets panic attack. Bulbul
tries to explain, but daadi ignores her
and goes to her room with help of
Abhi and Pragya’s argument continues
in kidnapper’s den. He asks her to hold
breath and try to push rope down. She
tries and says if they continue holding
breath like this, there is no need of
goons to kill them.
Bulbul asks Tanu why did she tell lie to
Daadi. Tanu says she told truth and
Abhi is stuck because of her. She says
she wants Abhi to come back and
Pragya never come back, if anything
happens to Abhi, she will not spare her,
says after her secret is out, everyone
will hate her including Purab. Bulbul
gets tensed.
Abhi and Pragya free rope from their
chest by inspiring and holding breath.
Pragya praises his idea and asks what to
do next. He jokes to swell her face. She
does. He jokes that she is looking fuggi
now. She asks him to stop joking. Their
argument continues. He says they have
to wait till tomorrow morning till goons

Bulbul cries reminiscing Tanu’s words.
Purab comes and asks what happened.
She hugs him and says she is unlucky
for Pragya as all her problems are
because of her, goons came to kidnap
her but kidnap Pragya instead. Purab
asks her to relax. She says everyone will
hate her now including him. He says
nobody will hate her and he will make
sure nobody hates her, he loves her so
much and will continue loving till his
eyes are open. She stops him. He says
until he is there, he will not let anything
happen to Pragya and Abhi.
Abhi tells Pragya to sleep till goons
come in the morning. She asks why. He
says his hands are tied, that does not
mean he cannot punch her and asks her
to sleep.
Purab reminisces Bulbul’s words and
thinks who is this kidnapper, if he is
Abhi’s enemy or Bulbul’s lover, thinks if
it is Suresh, then reminisces taking
kidnapper’s call and hearing his voice,
thinks it must be Suresh for sure.
Pragya asks Abhi if he really came to
rescue her. He jokes that he came to
play antakshari with kidnappers and
asks her to sleep. She says she is not
getting sleep. He says she is more
dangerous than kidnappers and asks
her to sleep. He falls asleep, while she is
still awake.
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