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Episode #156 Purab prevent Abhi from sacking PRAGYA from his house

Updated by Paski Mec

The episode starts with Pragya crying
seeing DD in coma with oxygen mask on
and says she is going from her and
Abhi’s lives now as she cannot see them
in trouble. She touches her feet and
leaves. Abhi who is waiting outside
takes her down. Aaliya says Tanu that
finally this behanji is going out, if she
had gone out long ago, she would have
not got characterless tag. Tanu says it is
good for us. Pragya says Abhi he will
not see her in his house from hereon.
Aaliya thinks this is the best day of her
life. Tanu thinks she will remember this
day more than her wedding day with
Abhi. Pragya walks out of house
weeping and reminiscing her marriage
with Abhi and the moments thereafter.
Pragya turns back and looks at Abhi
once and goes near door when Purab
comes and asks her to stop. He asks
Abhi how can he do this and believe all
this. Abhi asks why did he come to his
home again and asks him to get out.
Purab asks what if someone calls daadi
characterless. Abhi gets irked and tries
to slap him. Purab says why don’t he
remember that Daadi is also from
middle class background and she
believes Pragya more than her. Aaliya
says Daadi got a heart attack after
seeing Pragya’s video and she is
disheartened. Purab asks if Daadi sent
Pragya out. Taiji says she just wanted to
speak to Pragya before she fall
unconscious. Aaliya says Pragya is
characterless and is a black spot on
womanhood and cannot stay here.
Purab asks she is the biggest black spot
on womanhood and asks her to look at
herself first. Tanu interferes and asks
who is he to intervene in this house’s
matter. He says if he speaks out, she will
be the one to be kicked out first as she
is also outsider. She gets irked and tries
to fight with Purab. Pragya stops them
and says she does not want to stay here
as she cannot bear a tag of
characterless. Purab says if not she,
nobody can in this house and asks Abhi
to believe Daadi’s belief at least. He says
this video is framed one and looks like
someone purposefully made a drama
and clicked it. He asks why did send
sent it to only family members, you are
a star and he would have sent it to
media and extracted money. He says
there are many more things which he
has to say and asks what if Daadi wakes
up and asks about Pragya. Tanu says it
is of no use now, Pragya will have to go
now anyways. Abhi says he will give 24
hours to Pragya and she will have to
prove herself innocent in 24 hours, else
she will herself have to leave this house.
He says it is not easy as he has evidence
against her. Aaliya asks how can he do
it by believing Purab. Abhi says he is
doing it for Daadi as she believes Pragya
a lot. Pragya thanks him.
Purab is about to get into his car when
Aaliya stops him and asks if he is trying
to save Pragya as he loves Bulbul and
cannot forget her. He says someone is
forgotten who is easy to be forgotten,
but bulbul stays in his heart and he
loves her. He says Aaliya that she is
doing this as she is sick and tries to
bound people in her love and can do
anything, asks her to mend her ways
before it is too late and leaves in his car.
Tanu asks Pragya why is she not going
out of house when Abhi does not believe
her now. Pragya says he stopped her as
he believes in me a bit and says it is her
now and will not go out so easily. Tanu
gets irked.
Bulbul gets worried about Pragya and
thinks of calling her. Daadi says we
should not let Sarla know about Pragya’s
problem. Bulbul calls her and asks how
is she. Pragya tells her about Daadi’s
heart attack and Purab coming to her
rescue. She says he still loves you a lot,
so he came to help me. Bulbul asks her
to forget about it and first prove herself
innocent now as family’s name will be
spoilt. Pragya says she is telling right.

Up next: PRAGYA rescued Abhi from felling from stairs

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