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RV tells Sampooran that he has put Veera to sleep singing the lullaby that Ratan used for RV. RV says he’s hungry; Sampooran says he will make something for him. He adds that Ratan is sick; but will get better tomorrow.
RV tells a sleeping Veera that as she came to the house, Sampooran is cooking, and they will have to eat it however it is made. But he says that she can’t eat as she doesn’t have teeth and laughs.
Ratan cries in her room thinking about her wish for a second child.
Sampooran is cooking. RV makes fun of his rotis. He offers help, but Sampooran denies and tells RV to go look after the child. RV says to call her his sister. He adds that little children should not be left alone. RV tells about his own tale of being a kid and goes to Veera.
Sampooran burns a roti, and has a flashback about Ratan. He burns his hand. Ratan comes out of her room hearing him scream. RV brings him medicine and says not to cook, as he will eat at Badi Chachi’s house. Sampooran denies, and says he will tolerate the pain until it heals.
RV is riding his bike around Veera’s bed when he sees a cockroach and screams. It goes near Veera’s bed. He catches it on a stick and throws it outside.
Sampooran finds Ratan’s jewelry and gets emotional. RV is dozing off. Sampooran brings him food. RV tells him he’s cooked strong roti; Sampooran says he doesn’t know how he did it. RV says its ok. Sampooran asks him what if he told him that Ratan is sick because of Sampooran. RV jokes about the matter.
Ratan talks to RV’s photo as how she will tell him the truth. Sampooran comes to her room with food, and asks her to listen to him once. He leaves the plate outside the room and tells her to eat for her unborn child. Ratan asks herself as why he didn’t think about her when he cheated on her.
RV asks Sampooran if Ratan already ate. Sampooran says Ratan is mad at him and will never forgive him. RV tells him to look after Veera and goes to Ratan’s room. Sampooran has a flashback about Amrita.
RV calls out to Ratan and tells her to eat. Ratan comes out. RV tells her to eat. Ratan hugs him. RV asks if she is mad at Sampooran for coughing without covering his mouth, mad at him as he broke the pickles jar, or mad at his sister for peeing on him. Ratan tells him that Veera is not his sister. RV tells her that she is indeed his sister. Ratan tells him that she is ‘paap’ and to stay away from her as the Devil has sent her. RV says to look at her once. Ratan is furious and again says that she is not his sister. RV says she is his sister, and if she again denies that, he will never talk to her.
RV tells Sampooran that he’ll never talk to Ratan as she said that Veera is not his sister. He asks him why Ratan said that, and if they’ll return her.

Precap: RV applies face powder on Veera’s face and brings her to Ratan. He says that there will be no one in the village with a fairer sister than Veera. Ratan tells him to take her away from there.

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