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Episode #158 Mitali tells Abhi that Pragya is innocent and someone framed her in MMS.

Updated by Paski Mec

Mitali thinks why Pragya had to find out
the truth. She’s confused whether to go
meet Raj or no. She decides to go unless
he will doubt him as well.
Suresh and Pragya come to police
station. They tell inspector that Raj
didn’t do anything. Inspector says court
will decide that. Pragya says what if
they take FIR back. Inspector says this is
police station, they can’t release people
like that. Pragya says there must be a
way. Inspector says they will have to
deposit bail money and he can be out
on bail. Pragya goes to meet him. Mitali
sees Pragya and gets shocked and
wonders if Pragya came to tell the truth.
Mitali is going inside, but a constable
stops her and asks her to wait.
Tanu calls Aaliya and informs her about
seeing Pragya with Suresh. She says
Pragya is making their work easier.
Aaliya asks if she saw carefully, where
they were going, may be they are
gathering proof. Tanu says she doubts it,
but Abhi wouldn’t believe her anyway.
He’s even more angry after seeing them
together. Tanu goes to Abhi. Aaliya
thinks Pragya and Suresh being together
is not a good news.
Raj tells Pragya and Suresh he doesn’t
want to meet those who think he’s
wrong. Pragya says she knows he’s
innocent and he’s trapped. She also
knows the person who did all this. He
asks her who did this. Mitali is getting
anxious outside. The constable goes
away and she goes inside. Raj asks
Pragya for the name. Mitali comes
running and says Pragya is lying. At
home, she lied to Abhi and here came to
lied to Raj. Mitali yells at Pragya. Raj
says she has come to help us. Mitali says
what help? She doesn’t know anything.
Raj keeps asking Pragya and Mitali
keeps telling Raj not to believe her.
Pragya says she has rough idea, but is
not sure. She can’t tell till she is sure,
but she will take FIR back and it will
weaken their case and that shall help
Raj. Pragya apologizes to Raj and leaves.
Suresh follows. Mitali is relieved.
Mitali stops Pragya outside to say
something. Pragya says she knows what
she wants to say, but it’s not needed.
She understands husband and wife
relationship, no matter what she does to
her, but she can’t break her
relationship. Mitali says she made a big
mistake and doesn’t know what all she
said to her. She feels guilty and says
despite being a woman, she couldn’t
understand Pragya. She blamed Pragya
instead herself and tried to separate her
from Abhi. She further says she is not a
bad woman, it’s just her time is going
bad. She got greedy and took Raj’s sign,
but that greediness was for her kids
future. Raj’s less salary and on top of
that his mum, she’s not blaming anyone,
she knows Raj is very honest and he will
never do anything wrong, but what
about her kids? What she can answer to
her kids when they ask why they don’t
have what other kids have. She didn’t
want Raj to do anything wrong, that’s
why she took wrong path. Her
intentions were never bad. She further
tells Pragya to give her whatever
punishment she wants, but forgive her.
She tells Pragya not to worry, no one
can throw her out of that house. She will
tell everyone that video was fake. It was
all planned and she will also tell
everyone who was with her in that plan.
No matter what happens to her after
that. She learned today no matter what
always say truth and she will do the
same from today. Pragya thanks her.
Abhi recalls seeing Pragya and Suresh
together. He says this is her truth. Tanu
was right. Pragya comes there. He says
in his mind, not now, 24 hours are not
done. He asks her how’s her spying
going. Is she even doing anything or
waiting for some magic to happen?
Pragya says she found the proof. He
asks her to give. She says downstairs. He
says she will give when she has
anything and says he has some proof
for her. He shows her video with Suresh
to her. He asks her if she went to get
proof or make another MMS. Pragya
says she already proved herself right.
Abhi says he wants proof. Pragya says
she has a witness and asks him to come
All are gathered in living room. Abhi
and Pragya come. Abhi says where is
proof? It’s all family members here.
Pragya says witness is from family only.
She goes to Mitali. Mitali comes in
center and says Pragya was absolutely
right, she’s innocent. Tanu and Aaliya
are shocked and scared. Mitali
continues someone trapped Pragya into
that MMS. All ask who trapped Pragya.
Mitali says “I did. I made video when
she never done anything like that. I
thought Raj went to jail because of her. I
wanted to take revenge.” She tells her
plan to everyone about bringing Suresh
home and making such video purposely.
Tanu interrupts and says what
nonsense, she’s lying. Pragya made
mistake so she will have to leave this
house. Pragya asks Tanu why she wants
her to leave this house. She doesn’t want
Dadi to get well? When she wakes, she
doesn’t get shocked and her trust stays
maintained. She further tells Tanu that
she told her trust can’t be hidden for
long time. They all blamed her, but she
kept faith on herself and her
relationship. If she stays with truth,
then her relationship would be
maintained. She tells Tanu that she
won’t understand as she is not married.
She doesn’t know what a wife can do for
her family and if it remains like this,
then she will never get married. Tanu is
mad, but can’t say anything. She tells
Pragya to be in her limits.
Abhi asks Mitali if this is the truth. She
nods yes. Abhi shouts what is this? Is
this child’s play to make MMS? What
kind of revenge is this where family is
at loss? What if media had got that
MMS? And would Raj come back by
doing all this with Pragya? What has
happened to this house. Raj’s mum
interrupts and says it’s Mitali. I knew
she was greedy, but didn’t know she
would go this low for revenge. I am
ashamed of having such bahu. Abhi says
Dadi will be ashamed when she learns
the truth. He asks Mitali she had to send
video to Dadi too? Raj may forgive her,
but he will never forgive her. If
anything happens to Dadi, then instead
Pragya, he will throw Mitali out of the
house. Mitali says, stop it. I can’t listen
anything more. I can accept any
accusations, can take any punishment,
but I won’t be able to hear that I am
responsible for Dadi’s condition. Abhi
tells her she’s responsible and she will
have to live her entire life with that
accusation. Mitali goes to Pragya and
says, sorry, I won’t be able to do
anything more than this. All are
confused. Mitali says she can’t lie
anymore and apologizes to Pragya.
Pragya and all are shocked. Mitali tells
Abhi whatever she said just now was all
lie. Pragya made her say all this.

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