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The little girl is on bed and keeps crying her heart out with irritates RanV and he complains to her that because of her he has not eaten anything since morning and should he cry also ( really cute scene). He then goes to kitchen to fetch something for baby thinking that she is hungry . He brings everything he can see like onion … jaggery and sugarcane … he starts feeding her sugarcane … He starts laughing when he sees that she has no teeth and compares her to his grandmother … (LOL)He falls on the bed laughing and does the bending the kid stops crying and he gets excited so he goes on I will do it again for it makes you stop crying … He keeps admiring the kid and playing with her.
RanVijay’s mother and another lady are walking back home after grocery shopping … the other lady tells RanV mother there is a gurdwara in Amritsar and she has her kid because she went there and with their prayers she is holding the kid. his mother gets excited and start asking for details and address of the place and in between her husband comes and he is listening to his wife talking … there are bickering about how the other wants one more kid. There is a cute moment between husband n wife where he ask her for a girl as the are lost in the moment the whole village is at their door asking for justice.
The parents of he lost kid are blaming on the doctor and so forth … RanV hears the noise and try to calm the kid when his curiosity gets better if him he goes outside to see what is happening.He tries to stop everyone because the are really loud and he fears the baby will wake up but his mother stop him and sends him to his room … Sarpanch shouts at villagers to keep calm and advice them to go to police station . just when they are about to leave they hear baby crying. Sarpanch n his wife gets the shock out of their life seeing the baby in RanV’s hand .. The parents rush to get the baby from him which left him sad so as his parents.
RanV try to snatch the baby saying it’s his sister and they should give her back but the parents accuse the sarpanch saying how can hd handle the village when he cannot handle his own kid. the parents ask for justice and said now what punishment will sarpanch give to his son … He says that it’s he who is at fault for not teaching his kid what is right so they can punish him and he says sorry .
At that exact moment a woman
who is furious at the parents for stepping their boundaries and accusing sarpanch she gives a huge lecture.
The parents are sorry for their ride behavior and apologize to sarpanch and wish they do have kid soon which RanV is craving for everyone leaves and RanV gets upset seeing the baby go .. Moti chachi explains to sarpanch n wife they should really try for another kid because their elder son needs someone to play with . This really unsettle the sarpanch. Ratanand Chachi are talking where ratan tells her that she has two miscarriages already … She is devastated and feels that it’s her destiny but chachi gives her hope.
Ranvir is sitting alone and is very upset his parents come to him try cheering him up bug he is not giving in and told his parents he doesn’t have a sister so that’s why he took the baby from hospital. His parents explain to him he stole what was not his and they have a cute family moment .Sarpanch teases his wife that he will go for another wife to get a baby and she gets really possessive.
In other part of city a pandit is doing pooja a woman came with a baby and place her infront of god .. The pandit gets shock and ask her what she is doing … She says she is returning the parsad to god. it’s ends on the baby girl smiling and the woman disoriented

pRecap : Ranvir is talking to his friend saying do god knows that he has to send his a baby sister
The woman is accusing god why do he gave her the kid if there is no happiness .. She wants a family for her daughter
Ranvir sends letter to god for baby sister

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