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The epic starts with Ranvijay running away from the dhabba after collecting the disposable caps of soft drinks bottle… A sardar shouts at him and even asks the dhabba owner to don’t let him run away as he has stolen something by the owner starts to laugh and says that he is the son of sarpanch and he knows ranvijay very well, he has his unique wish to collect those caps…
Then ranvijay rants to the farm and asks his friend what he is wearing too much in his hand(Rakhi).. His friend says its rakhi, and his sis has tied on his hands… Ranvijay gets curious to wear it and asks him to give one to him to which his friend refuse… ranjivay even offer him few caps but he says..”Pagal hai kya???”
Then he rans to another friends home who says he can’t come and play as his sister has arrived for rakhi and rakhi is more important then any other thing… Again he rans to another friends house where his sister is doing his aarti and tying him rakhi. then his friend gives her some money which the girl happily accepts… Ranvijay also asks his friend’s sister to tie him rakhi as well but she refuses sternly… Later her mother explains ranvijay that only a sis can tie rakhi to his bro and says her daughter to tie on Ranvijay’s hand as well as he is alo like her brother but she refuses again and rans out… Ranvijay asks his friend’s mother from where do sis comes from that makes the woman a little embarrass and she says some lal jheel ki pari do this…
Sarpanch romancing with his wife while she was busy in making some lassi when ranvijay arrives shouting for his biji that is sarpanch’s wife and says i visited jheel but saw no sis there to which sarpanch replies its not about the jheel but the number… when its their number they will get a bro o sis to which ranvijay says stubbornly that no he only wants a sis and that too now… His mother scolds him and he rans out…
Sarpanch asks his wife not to do that as he has suffered this feeling of being only child of his parents and won’t let this happen with his son… Then he again starts to romance with his wife thinking about giving a sibling to ranvijay when a man comes to call him for panchait…
Sarpanch hears the matter and very smartly takes a decision making sure everything will go right!
On the other hand ranvijay rans to his another friend house where his sis was not well and was sleeping… Ranvijay asks his friend from where did he got his sis and he says from hospital… Then his friends mother comes and giving a chit asks him to go and get medicine from hospital for his sis… Ranvijay also follows his friend to the hospital…
In the hospital, ranvijay looks at so many couples with their baby in their hands and thinks to ask someone for his number… his friends lefts after taking the medicine but he stays back and sits her a woman with a lil bald baby in her hands… Ranvijay says you could have got better girl with hairs if u would have paid more…
Then he goes into a room where Ranvijay finds a small baby girl all alone playing… he goes near her and says see lal pari has dropped u here and no one knows about it… you are mine and i will take you, then he tarts t play with her…
On the other hand, a couple was sitting with the doctor and then they goes in the room to collect their daughter but finds a confused wardboy there… The drama starts as the parents shouts for their daughter making everyone worried in the hospital… Then camera zooms and shows few bottle caps behind the white sheet …
On the other side ranvijay takes the baby girl to his home, his room where he plays with her and calls for his biji who then he thinks may be is not at home…
People suggests the couple to go to sarpanch’s place for a solution as this is a serious matter…

Precap: The couple takes the baby girl away from ranvijay to which he argues that its his sister and for that sarpanch scolds his son… The couple demnds sarpanch to give punishment o ranvijay for his and sarpanch says he is too small and for his deed, his parents are responsible so i will accept any punishment from you..

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