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Sampurn asking ratan for forgiveness and to start afresh and trying to tell the whole truth but Ratan starts off with her taunt and pours her hurt out and says that the infant will always make her realize of his mistake and she asks Sampurn to leave but he dusnt so she dus and he stops her and is trying to tell the truth when RV comes and drags him away and Ratan is devastated as usual
-So the little one needs cleaning and a change and RV gets Sampurn to do the needful and then RV is feeding her and ratan looks on and the glass from her hands falls and blood is dripping from her hands and Sampurn follows and tends to her cut
Sampurn asks what shud he do to get the old Ratan back and that to not speak ill of the child as she is his blood
RV showing off his Sis arnd as usual
-Ratan on with her rant and Sampurn on with his plea to hear him out (itna bolne se acha to bolde na )
And makes ratan take kasam to hear him out and then whatever she decides he will abide by that and Ratan breaksdown
-Sampurn tells Ratan the truth abt Amrita isnt bad but circumstances make her look bad and starts his Amrita Jaap instead of teloling the truth and Ratan meanwhile walks away and Sampurn realizes that and dusnt give up and writes the truth down in a letter …I hope usme bhi Amrita puran na ho
-RV at the gurudwara asking Rabji to get the infant to talk and that she shud utter Veerji as her first word
ratan as usual devastated doesnt read the letter and in her devastated state falls of the stairs and suffers a miscarriage
Precap- Sampurn at the hospital doc tells Ratan is fine but cudnt save the child
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