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Ratan is hugging Ranvi and asking him to never betray her or leave her as she is hugging him … Veera started crying and ratan hugs Ranvi tight. He begs her to let him go to veera as she is crying . He said she is his sister and is hungry but ratan hugs him closer and said she is nothing to him and not his sister … He breaks free from his mom and rush to his sister which left ratan helpless (so emotionally draining scene … cannot help but cry)
All the villagers are gathered and accusing sampoorn .. People ask Balwant his opinion of sarpanch and he is all praises for him … He again tries to defend him but his wife gave him stern look and which shuts him up … In that exact moment sampoorn shows up and said he is guilty of what he did and will give punishment to himself by resigning as the sarpanch … As he is about to leave someone shouts out and came and stand infront of him saying it’s easier to accuse others. He demands that something should be done about the kid as she is paap ki nishsani … All the panch’s decides that veera will not stay in the village.
Veera is crying and Ranvi is complaining to her as how he has not brushed yet … He smells something funny and ask her if she is also crying because of the smell … He tells her to close her nose (adorable) .. He brings her flowers to ease the smell and he realizes she is smelling … He removes her clothes n finds that she has potty and he gets hell scared … He placed the flowers on her nappy …
On the other side the panch’s are demanding the kid out of the village and sampoorn is begging them to leave the kid alone .. He is desperate asking them to think about it … Blawant asks him if he was the sarpanch want would have he done .. Leave his wife or the kid .. He gave his verdict saying that he would have kept the kid and he did choose her not because he is the father but he is the sarpanch .
Ratan is sitting on her bed all disoriented and remembering old times . Ranvi sees her upset and go to her asking her if she is fine … He takes the doll and ask mom… He wants to play with the doll and in between if she potty then what should he do … when she doesn’t reply .. he says that he is not asking for his sister … She ask him to leave as she will not be able bear anymore pain.
One villager stands up and say that they should stand up for ratan as she is the one in most pain … Seeing the kid around will be more difficult .. Balwant stand up say that they should not step inside sampoorn’s house and it is his personal matter … His wife eye’s him and he said that till there is any complain they should leave it but he is sure that ratan will never agree for the kid.
Moti chachi turns up on Ranvi and Veera … He runs up to her and complains that he is hungry … She
promise to make some paratas for him … He ask her to tend Veera but she rushes saying he has something to discuss with his mom …she went to broken ratan who is sitting on the floor … She tells her to sit on bed and drink milk … She advices her to take care of herself as she is not only one but there is another one .. Ratan beaks down … Moti chachi gets emotional saying if she gets a chance for a kid .. she will take the pain of world for that .
Ratan is broken and says that she is not sure if she should keep the kid or abort it … Chachi is shocked … Ratan goes like the kid is usually the pyar ki nishsani but I have non of this … Ranvi is enough for the world to point fingers at why should I put the kid for more pain .. Sampoorn hears that and is shocked and questions her … she accuse him for her desicion … He stands before her asking her to punish him .. The pancayat has done it already .. She should also do it ..
Precap : Ratan falling from the stairs and getting hurt badly .

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