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I don't know what's making her give me that
silly look, but honestly I was nervous and
confused, so many questions were running
through my mind and I didn't know which
one to ask first so I stupidly asked
ME: did you meet anyone outside?
LIZZY: yes I did!!
Now that sent shivers down my spine .What
got me more nervous was the angry look on
her face...
LIZZY: and spilled the beans
(OMG! Am in trouble) I bowed my head in
shame and tried to explain
ME: look it's not what you think... He
started it, he initiated it and I....
LIZZY: so you retaliated right?
ME: look am sorry but I.....
LIZZY: Mum must hear this.
Now I knew I was a dead being that night...
My mom sees me green (a virgin) and she's
surely going to be disappointed... How do I
fix this?
LIZZY: and she's surely going to be
disappointed in you for being rude to her
new tenant
That was a shock to me...
ME: are you talking about our tenant?
LIZZY: yes! Who else?? Who else was here
apart from him?
Jeez that was close... I was quiet relieved
with that, I tried to explain what happened
between us even though she didn't believe
my part of the story she just had to let it
Lizzy is my big cousin, she 25 and am just
18, her parents died at a very early age and
my mom has been her mom since. Even
though we are cousins she took the
responsibility of an elderly sister, she scolds
me when I go wrong and play with me when
we suppose to, I love and respected her as
such... As for me am the only daughter of a
single mother, she loves me and has always
been there for me, in her mind I am her top
most priority and I never want to let her
down but!.........
At dinning that night, my cousin told my
mom about what happened between her
tenant and I, she got very angry at me and
asked me to go apologize... On the other
hand where did I go wrong? I don't
remember being rude to him but I just didn't
want to disappoint or let me say disrespect
my mom...
Later that night I slipped into my silky
pinky transparent night gown and covered
up with my morning coat, I went out and
walked to our tenants door.. I knocked
several times there was no answer, I could
see from the window his television was on so
I decided to go back into my room, just then
I heard his voice from afar
TENANT: the door is open please come in
I opened the door slowly and entered the
living room, the living room was scattered
with his boxes and chairs not arranged, I
looked around but he wasn't around, I stood
for a while noticed he was in the bathroom
because I could hear the sound of flowing
tap ,not long he appeared from the other
part of his door with a white towel covering
his waist, the water on his body run down
his black muscular body, he looks at me
deeply in the eye, I couldn't take my eyes off
either, for like five minutes we were looking
at each other then I turned to go.
ME: am sorry to have bugged on you this
TENANT: no come on it's fine
ME: I just want to apologize for my actions a
couple of hours ago, I wasn't in my right
senses at that time .
TENANT: no.. no you shouldn't bother I do
understand .Thats fine.
Then I didn't know what to say again, I was
shy at how he was still looking at me, he
came closer and stretched his hand, I shook
him and we both smiled
TENANT: we are family now... You really
have a beautiful smile.... And your night
gown it's really beautiful...
I just stared at him stealing glances below
his waistline .I realized he was gradually
getting hard on .I just smiled in my mind...
( I wish I could see this) I don't know if he
was reading my mind but suddenly he drops
the towel........

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