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I have never felt this discomfort, nervous
and confused.. From nowhere sweat trickled
down from my black bushy down cut hair,
through my back line into my anus, I don’t
know where it ended up...I could feel heat
all over my body even though the weather
was very cold outside... They all looked at
me as I looked into their faces as if they
were strangers.
LIZZY: Don’t tell me you still have sleep in
your eyes
MOM: I think so...
Andrew smiled at me.... (Damn! That smile
reminded me of our first intercourse), I
couldn’t help it than to smile back...I quickly
dropped the smile when I realised they still
had their eyes fixed on me..I pulled the
chair right opposite him of course it was a
reserved seat, my mom introduced me as her
daughter and Lizzy as the elder... I couldn’t
believe what my mom said to Andrew
MOM: Both of my daughters are virgins and
I must say am a proud mother.
Really? Lizzy a virgin? Well if you ask me I
don’t know but I presume not.. If at my age
“18” my so called proud mom thinks am a
virgin whiles am not, what of a 26 years old
woman... Haha.. Andrew looked at me
straight in the eye, of course I know that
look meant, we both pretended to be
listening to the preacher “my mom” as we
dined... I seriously don’t know what was
making Lizzy smile but she wore a broad
smile on her face throughout. Honestly I was
jealous, nervous, angry, broken hearted and
felt betrayed .. I know you will ask why...
Let me tell you what you don’t know...
Andrew and I have been talking day and
night after our encounter, he promised me
he was going to leave my cousin for me since
my cousin didn’t now him.. I trusted him...
We chat on social media, we get naughty
more times and we exchange nude pictures
as well...he promised me he was going to
wait till am 20 then come see my mom so
what happened?... He was happily holding
my cousins hand laughing to my moms jokes
and conversation, I was getting more furious
within... I didn’t take part in the
conversation because I was angry and if care
is not taken I may lose control and end up
disgracing myself.... I slowly stretched my
leg and placed it in between his thighs
wanting to kick his balls... He dropped the
smile and looked into my eyes, I looked away
as if I know nothing.. I robbed my toe on his
flap, I could feel his quick erection, now he
sounded confused... Suddenly the rain begins
to fall again, heavier than previous... My
mom said to my cousin
MOM: get the guest room ready for him... I
don’t think the rain is stopping any moment
from now..
I smiled in my mind but wore the biggest
frown on my mom took Andrew to
the living room where they had a happy
conversation, my cousin joined me in the
kitchen after preparing the guest room
whiles I washed the plates....
NAA DROMOR: your man is handsome
LIZZY: was he the one you saw in your
NAA DROMOR: there are over 5000 Andrew's
in the world(I cut in angrily) ....
I angrily walked out of the kitchen which is
actually normal of me, my room and my bed
are my best friends...
That night.... I will call it “mystery night” I
still didn’t believe my cousin was a virgin, I
thought deep of it.... Late in the night
around 11pm I heard all the doors being
shut and locked... You know what that
means..... I waited for 30 minutes predicting
they will all be asleep my now. I powdered
my body with a sweet scented powder from
Paris,adorned my transparent white night
gown without lingerie on and tiptoed into
his room... He was nowhere to be found but
the falling of the water told me he was in
the bathroom, he smiled upon seeing me. he
quickly closed the tap and grabbed me by
the waist, it wasn’t time for question and
answers it was time for action.. He kissed
me with passion, I felt it deep down my
kitty.. I held his big black cock (BBC) and
robbed it, he rolled down my kitty raised my
left legs and placed it on the bed, he went
on his knees and grabbed my clit.. I couldn’t
help it than moan, he had his left hand
holding on tight to my hard tits, I couldn’t
take it any more...I pushed him on the bed
just as I was about to sit on him a silent
knock came on the door.... I got frightened,
I was looking for a place to hide, I quickly
pushed my thick body under the bed... He
opened the door and Lizzy entered... “ IF

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