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Episode #205 Tanu invite her parents to help her marry Abhi

Updated by Paski Mec ((0248352630))

The episode starts with Purbi telling
Pragya that Bulbul got injured during
lohri rituals. Pragya rushes towards
Bulbul and asks if she is fine. Bulbul
says yes and says Tanu pushed her into
fire, but Purab rescued her. Aaliya hears
that and thinks it is good for her that
their attention is on Tanu now, she can
easily execute her plan.
Cousin daadi’s see Tanu’s parents and
asks who are they. They say they are
Tanu’s parents. Daasi says they came
late as lohri function is over now. They
say they came to talk about Tanu’s
marriage. Daaasi looks at Robin servant
and asks if they like the guy. Mom/dad
say they liked him a lot as he is very
talented. Tanu sees them talking and
asks what are they talking about. Daasi
says they are talking about her
marriage. She asks if they approve her
marriage. Daasi says she wants her
married and stop interfering in other
couple’s life. Dad asks what does she
mean. Daasi says nothing.

Abhi clashes with Pragya and they start
a healthy argument.
Tanu while driving car asks her parents
if they liked Abhi. Dad says yes and says
his wife is more understanding tham
him. His mom says she was very boring
and her lifestyle is very different than
Abhi, only Tanu looks good with him.
Tanu gets happy hearing that.
Pragya back comes to her room and
boasts in front of Abhi that she will
make him more rich by handling his
deals. He says he did not see a bigger
fool than her. She says he should thank
her instead for cracking his deal well
and says even daadi considers her as his
lucky mascot. She prepares her bed and
sleeps. He thinks he liked her
baffoonery today somehow and goes
near her and starts looking her face.
She wakes up, thinks he needs his
pillow back, and says she will not give
pillow and falls back asleep.
In the morning, daadi is busy
performing pooja. She gets a phone call
and daasi informs that Sarla has called.
Daadi takes phone and asks if
everything is fine. Sarla says yes and
says she wants to talk to her something.
Daadi asks her to speak hesitantly. She
says when she distributes Bulbul’s roka
sweets to her neighbours, they got very
happy and want to meet Purab, so she
has arranged a small function tonight
and wants her to send Abhi and Pragya
also. Daadi says she will send them.
Sarla asks her also to come.
Abhi gets Tanu’s call who talks to her
romantically. He promises that he will
meet her in the evening. She says if he
does not come, she will come there with
her mom and dad. He says he will meet
her for sure and cuts call. Daadi comes
there and asks if he is going out tonight.
He says he has important client meeting.
Daadi asks him to cancel it as she has to
go to Sarla’s home with Pragya. Abhi
says his meeting is important. Daadi
says she will apologize Sarla then and
ask her to talk you directly hereon and
emotionally blackmails that she is not
important to anyone here. Abhi asks her
not to say that and says he will do as she
says. Daadi then calls Pragya and says
she has to go to her mom’s house in the
Abhi gets tensed and nervous in his
room and thinks if he should inform
Tanu that he is not coming, then thinks
she will come here with her mom/dad
here. Pragya comes getting ready and
asks if he is ready. He says he is not fine
and has fever. She checks his forehead,
he says fever is in stomach. She says
fever does not come in stomach. He says
he is tensed. She asks him to speak out,
she will solve his problem. He says he
has an important meeting to attend. She
asks if he has to meet Tanu and says he
can walk with her to her mom’s house
and can go from there.

Up next : fresh updates on kumkum bhagya

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