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Episode #210 Aliyah and cooperator planned against Bulbul

Updated by Paski Mec ((0248352630)

The episode starts with coporator
waving hands to Abhi in a traffic signal.
Abhi taunts him and moves his car.
Corporator starts following Aaliya’s car.
Abhi stops at a local tea stall and
reminisces having tea with Tanu once.
He sips tea with Pragya. His childhood
friend meets him and asks Pragya who
is she. Pragya introduces herself as Abhi
Mitali tells Aaliya that they escaped
because of Abhi today. Aaliya asks
where was Abhi. She says he was in
traffic signal between her and
corporator’s car. Just then corporator’s
car overtakes them and stops. Aaliya
gets irked. Corporator comes out, drags
Aaliya out and asks how dare she is to
try to burn Bulbul’s face with acid and
says he will get them arrested right
now. He calls inspector and asks him to
come right now. Aaliya says she does
not have any grudge on him and asks
him to spare them.
Abhi’s friend tells that he is a classical
singer and is not successful like Abhi.
Pragya says she and many people like
classical music and says she needs his
mobile number. He walks to get her
mobile. Abhi says friend that Pragya
always blubbers and bores everyone.
Friend says he is lucky instead to have a
wife like Pragya.
Bulbul comes home. Purbi says Sarla
now knows that she went to Pragya’s
house. Bulbul asks who told her. Purbi
says Pragya. Bulbul says she could not
propose jiju, but complained about her.
She reminisces corporator trying to
harm her, calls Pragya and tells her
about the incident. Pragya asks her not
to worry, Abhi will take care of
Aaliya tries to frighten corporator by
telling he is doing a mistake by
confronting Abhi Mehra’s sister, her
brother will not spare her. He asks her
repeat the name. She repeats and asks if
he is afraid now. Corporator reminisces
Abhi beating him and says he got a
jackpot now, he can take revenge from
both Abhi and Pragya now.
Abhi comes to his room and reminisces
his friend praising Pragya, thinks
Pragya does magic on everyone.
Corporate brings Aaliya and puppets to
his hideout and asks how dare she to try
to splash acid on his Bulbul. Aaliya says
he is a fool as usual and says Bulbul is
marrying Purab and he cannot do
anything. Corporator is shocked to hear
that and asks if it is true. Aaliya says
Bulbul is snatching her Purab and she
will kill Bulbul. Corporator says he will
kill Purab instead for coming his way.
Aaliya asks him dare not to touch her
Purab. Corporator says she and her
brother Abhi are cowards and know
just to bark, he will send his henchmen
to finish Purab. Tanu asks them to stop
fighting and says both of them should
think of stopping engagement.
Corporator asks what if his men go and
stop this engagement. Aaliya says her
brother is very intelligent and will evict
his goons easily. Tanu suggests they
should kidnap Bulbul. Corporator says
he will hatch a plan. They all 4 shake
Abhi looks at Pragya and gets lured.
Pragya is also nervous and looks at
mirror, thinking why is he looking at
her. He thinks he loves Tanu, so he
should not think about Pragya. He asks
her to tell what she wanted to. She asks
him to tell first. They both start you
first, you first game again. Abhi walks
out angrily.
Corporator tells Aaliya that his
henchmen will kidnap Bulbul as soon as
she gets out of house. Aaliya asks him
not to worry, she will take care of rest.
Pragya thinks she should have proposed
Abhi before he walked out and gets
more nervous. Purab calls her and asks
if she spoke to Bulbul as she is not
picking his call. She says she will
personally go to her mom’s house and
will check and asks him not to worry.
Abhi is busy with his servants and is
guiding them in arrangements. He sees
Pragya, calls her Fuggi. She gets irked
hearing that. He asks where is she
going. She says she is going to temple on
Daadi’s insistence and if he does not
believe her, he can talk to Daadi. He
says it is okay and permits her to leave.
Bulbul waits for Pragya’s call and gets
nervous. Purbi asks her to select her
jewelry and get ready. Bulbul yells at
her. Purbi gets angry and walks out
asking her to get ready herself. Sarla
comes there and gives some family gyan
how to be a good bahu and beti after
marriage, etc.
Aaliya and her puppets come and think
they should send their car and pick
Bulbul before Pragya picks her up.
Aaliya says she will check with Abhi and
asks if Pragya went to pick Bulbul. He
says she has gone to temple. She says
she will pick Bulbul then. He says driver
has gone to pick bulbul and asks her to
stay at home, else daadi will get angry
seeing both beti and bahu missing. She
asks which car and driver he sent to
pick Bulbul. He says Satish with white
car. Aaliya asks him to call her if there
is any need and walks from there, she
informs corporator about car’s number.
Corporator asks her not to worry, his
henchman will kidnap Bulbul.

Up next: fresh updates on kumkum bhagya

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