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Episode #199

Updated by Paski Mec

The episode starts with Bulbul asking
Pragya to propose Abhi. Pragya says she
will not as she is happy the way it is
going. She tells how Abhi denies to
drink coffee in front of her, but then
drinks later, calls her chasmish/fuggi,
etc. and continues praising her. Bulbul
says she has to propose jiju in 2 days,
else she will break engagement. Pragya
says she knows she is acting and will
not budge for her demands. Bulbul
angrily walks out.
Akash discusses with Abhi about new
business deals and client wanting to do
business in old rates, so he kept him on
1 week hold. Purab praises him that he
learnt business so soon. Abhi says he is
his brother. Aaliya asks Abhi to give
50% of his profit. Abhi says she can
keep 100% as he is earning for her and
Daadi. Bulbul comes there and takes
Purab from there.
They both go to Pragya’s room and tell
they have both decided not to get
engaged until she proposes Abhi. Pragya
says she will not. Purab says they tried
to make her propose thrice, but she did
not. Pragya asks when did they try. He
tells how he hired Abhi’s mad fan and
other 2 incidents. Pragya says Abhi likes
her and tells the incidents where Abhi
priased her, etc. Bulbul tries to convince
Pragya to propose Abhi. Purab says as a
childhood friend, he can say that Abhi
will neither accept nor deny Pragya’s
proposal as he will compare her to Tanu
and will eventually accept that she is
better than Tanu. Pragya says she will
not take risk. Purab and Bulbul say she
should take a risk and Bulbul says she
has challenged Tanu that she will unite
Pragya and Abhi in 3 days and Tanu
challenged that she will separate them.
She says if she does not propose, she
may lose Abhi. Purab says they both
want her to unite with Abhi.
Akash asks Abhi to accompany him to
Gurudwara. Taji says she already went
in the morning. Mitali says if she would
have taken her, she would have also
prayed for Raj. Abhi gets sad and walks
out from there. Tanu says Aaliya that
she will calm down Abhi. Aaliya asks
her to be patient as Pragya wants her to
do any mistake and make Abhi hate her,
says she used same strategy against her,
but now she knows her plan well. Tanu
says she does not have patience.
Abhi comes towards Daadi’s room and
sees Pragya in lawn. Pragya acts as
cleaning vase, etc., sees him getting
restless and asks if he has any problem.
He says she is his biggest problem and
asks her to stop troubling him. Tanu
and Aaliya come there and see him
scolding Pragya. Doc comes and Abhi
takes her into Daadi’s room.
Pragya goes to kitchen. Bulbul asks if
she proposed Abhi. Pragya says she did
not and says he is acting as a big
rockstar. Bulbul says he is. Pragya says
he scolded her in front of everyone.
Daasi comes and asks if she gave
Daadi’s medicines and says doc is
questioning. Bulbul says Abhi was
nervous thinking of Dadi and not her,
so she should go and propose him.
Doctor scolds Abhi for not taking care of
Daadi well and blaming doctors. Daadi
says she is fine. Doc says she is losing
weight and it is not a good sign. Abhi
says he would have taken care of Daadi.
Aaliya tells that Pragya did not allow
her to take care of Daadi, else she would
have take care of her. Abhi asks her to
call Pragya. Pragya comes there just
then. Abhi looks at her angrily.

Up next: fresh updates of kumkum bhagya

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