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Episode #185 Aliyah cut her self with mirror pieces and being admitted at hospital

Updated by Paski Mec(0248352630)

The episode starts with Aaliya imaging
Bulbul and Purab hugging in mirror
and breaks it. Pragya comes there,
knocks door and asks her to open door.
Aaliya calls Bulbul and says she cannot
attend her marriage, but can send her
marriage gift. Bulbul asks what gift.
Aaliya takes mirror piece and cuts her
wrist thinking now Abhi will realize
what he did, he killed his sister for
Pragya and her sister’s sake, once she
dies, Abhi will hate Pragya and Bulbul
and will not support marriage. Pragya
continues knocking door. Aaliya says
she hates her and falls on floor
unconscious. Pragya continues knocking
door and requests to open door. All
ladies hear her pleas and ask what
happened. Pragya says Aaliya is not
opening door and she is worried about
her. Tanu taunts that Aaliya’s condition
is because of her. Pragya asks her to
stop taunting and help Aaliya. She runs
to Akash’s room and asks him to break
Aaliya door. Bulbul calls her and
everything is alright. Pragya says she
will call her later and cuts call.
Click here for New Spoilers for this week
Akash breaks door. Everyoneenter in
and are shocked to see Aaliya
unconscious on floor with cut wrist.
Tanu calls Abhi and asks him to come
home immediately as Aaliya has cut her
wrist. Abhi says he does not like jokes
and cuts call. He tells Purab that Aaliya
is again making drama that she cut her
wrist. Purab asks what if she really has
done that. Pragya calls Abhi and
informs him. They both rush towards
home. Bulbul calls Purab and he tells
her about Aaliya’s suicide attempt. She
reminisces Aaliya telling about gift and
realizes this was her gift. Sarla asks why
is she tensed. She tells her about
Aaliya’s suicide attempt. Sarla says she
is worried about Abhi now as Aaliya is
his sister and he has right to think of
her happiness.
Pragya and whole family bring Aaliya
to hospital. Pragya worried thinks how
can Aaliya try to suicide and not think
of Abhi. Doc comes out and says Aaliya
is out of danger. Pragya thanks her. She
says she should be thankful to herself as
she brought Aaliya on time and asks
who tied cloth against Aaliya’s wrist.
Mitali says Pragya tied and says she told
her not to, but she went ahead. Doc says
she did right and praises Pragya. Tanu
comes there acting as getting worried
for Aaliya, gets into room and says they
both will punish Pragya. Pragya comes
there, drags her out of room and says
being Aaliya’s friend instead of helping
her, she is pushing her in wrong path.
She will not let this happen and drags
her out of Aaliya’s hospital room.
Bulbul walks on road crying and thinks
why always she her happiness is taken
away, why she gets into trouble always.
Abhi comes to hospital. Tanu tries to
brainwash Abhi that because of his
wrong decision, Aaliya’s life is at risk
and he is on Pragya’s side instead.
Purab comes and takes Abhi from there
while Tanu still shouts to listen to her.
Aaliya wakes up and sees whole family
around. Pragya tries to go near her, but
Aaliya asks her to stay away and says
her black magic will not work on her,
etc. Pragya scolds Aaliya that she thinks
always about herself and if she really
cared about her family, daadi, Abhi, she
would not have attempted suicide. She
says Abhi trusts and loves her so much,
but she is thinking of only marrying
Purab. She says if she thinks Abhi and
Daadi are doing wrong by loving her,
then they are doing wrong. She says she
does not have brother, so she can
understand how difficult it is for Abhi
to see her in trouble and says Abhi took
care of her since childhood and what
pain he will go through when he will lift
your dead body. Aaliya asks her to stop.
Abhi comes in worriedly and asks
Aaliya why did she do that.
Up next: fresh updates on kumkum bhagya

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