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Episode #173 Abhi forcing pragya to marry suresh

Updated by Paski Mec

The episode starts with Sarla panicking
thinking how can Pragya agree to
remarry and how can Suresh agree to
marry her. She says Suresh was always
behind her and was waiting for
Pragya’s divorce to marry her. She says
she will go and ask him why he did it.
Bulbul stops her and says if Pragya has
divorced Abhi and has agreed to marry
Suresh, something must be going in her
mind, they have to meet her and find
out. Sarla leaves. Purab comes there and
asks Bulbul why did she call him. She
says Abhi is getting Pragya married to
Suresh. He is shocked to hear that. She
says we should stop it. He stands silently
Pragya thinks of asking Suresh why did
he agree for marriage and reaches his
house. She asks why did he do this. He
tells him the reason and says Abhi is
arrogant and thinks himself as very
intelligent, but he is not. He says we
both may deny marrying, but Abhi will
leak MMS and will get out of the scandal
with his money power, but she will be
trapped in it.

Mitali comes to Aaliya’s room and says
it has been many days since Raj is in
jail and as she promised, when will she
bail him out. She says she cannot get
money from her dad as he is also in
debt. Aaliya says she really wants to
help her, but wants to wait until Pragya
is married and gets out of this house,
she will bring Raj then.
Pragya reaches Abhi’s room back and
sadly looks around. Abhi comes there
and starts his usual brainless taunts. He
says today is her last night in his room
and he wants her to enjoy the most. He
says he wants to make her comfortable
and will get her all the necessities
needed. He makes her wear bridal veil
and says she is looking very beautiful.
He also gets into dupatta.. Serial’s title
song…plays in the background. She gets
emotional. He comes out of veil and
walks out.
Abhi decorates house with flowers and
takes Tanu’s help. Tanu acts as falling
and he holds her. She sees Pragya
coming there and while decorating rose
gets hurt with thorn and remembers
Pragya’s words about thorn in her life.
She thinks of making Pragya jealous by
falling on Abhi and falls, but Abhi walks
out from there and she falls on ground.
Servant Robin helps her get up. Daasi
sees that and taunts her that she knows
she loves Robin, but should not romance
in open. Tanu gets irked.
Rachna asks Suresh why did he agree to
marry Pragya. He says even he does not
want, but promised Abhi to get out of
the shame that MMS will bring. Sarla
comes to his home. Pragya on the other
side says Abhi that she does not want to
marry. He says she has to marry at any
Up next: fresh updates on kumkum bhagya

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