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Episode #155 Granny collapse after seeing the framed video of PRAGYA AND SURESH :::aliyah slap Tanu

Written by Paski Mec

The episode starts with Abhi seeing
Pragya falling from sofa while asleep
and stops her. Pragya wakes up and
sees him near her, thinks he must have
not slept whole night. Daasi calls Pragya
to come down for breakfast. She does
down. Daadi asks her to have breakfast.
She says she will get sandwich for daadi
and goes into kitchen. Abhi comes down
and gets irked seeing Pragya. He sits for
breakfast and asks Daadi if she wants,
she can go on vacation. She says she will
go only with him and Pragya. Pragya
gets sandwich and milk for Daadi. Daadi
says she is habituated to Pragya now
and cannot live without her. Abhi gets
irked hearing that. Tanu comes and
wishes good morning, but nobody
replies. She gets irked and thinks she
should send Pragya’s video to daadi to
kick Pragya out and enter this house.
She sends it and says sorry Abhi.
Abhi thinks why Pragya has not gone
out yet. Pragya thinks what to tell Sarla
if she goes to her room. She goes to
kitchen and thinks if she should take
Suresh’s help to rent a room. Abhi
comes there and angrily asks why is she
showing fake concern to Daadi to stay
back in house. He sees her hand
burning on gas and rescues it.

Tanu hides behind daadi to check if she
will check video or not. Daadi is shocked
to see it and starts panicking. Abhi gets
tensed seeing daadi panicking. Daadi
says it cannot be, my house, my dignity,
my belief, then falls unconscious on
floor. Aaliya tries to wake daadi. Abhi
also tries to wake her up, sees her not
berating and panics. Aaliya checks and
says she is breathing and we should take
her to room. He takes her to her room.
Akash calls doctor. Daasi asks Abhi not
to panic as Daadi will be alright soon.
Aaliya drags Tanu out to her room and
asks who sent that video to Daadi. She
says she does not know. Aaliya says only
you and me have this video, and if she
has not sent, then she should have sent
it. Tanu accepts that she has sent it.
Aaliya slaps her and asks how can she
do this, daadi is unconscious and Abhi
is very much worried about her. They
both see Pragya listen to their
conversation and stop. Aaliya asks what
is she doing. Pragya says she thought
daadi is in this room and leaves from
there. Aaliya shuts door and says Tanu
if anything happens to Daadi, she not
spare her. Tanu thinks she thought
daadi will kick out Pragya, but she
herself panicked.
Pragya comes to Daadi’s room. Abhi
takes her out and asks if she came to
check if daadi is still alive and says she
should go and enjoy with her lover now,
says he made a mistake by letting her in
house for 1 day, says she wanted see
him worried and shuts door after
pushing her out. Daasi comes and asks
Abhi to relax. Abhi asks who sent that
video. Cousin daadi says some
shubchintak/well wisher sent. Pragya
thinks she cannot go now seeing daadi
in this condition.
Doc comes and checks daadi. Daasi says
Abhi that we should find a person who
sent this video. He says Daadi felt
unconscious after seeing Pragya’s affair
video, now he will not spare Pragya and
will kick her out. Daasi says he cannot
do that as Daadi told before stumbling
that her Pragya cannot do this and what
if she wakes up and wants to meet
Pragya. He says whatever it is, he will
not let Pragya stay in his house now and
walks out angrily.
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